Abstract: Digital video processing and computer vision, one of the most challenging and active research areas is video object segmentation. A significant issue for the successful use of many video sequences is video object segmentation that accentuates partitioning the video frames to semantically meaningful video objects and backgrounds. Video object segmentation is a vital operation for content-based video coding, multimedia content description, intelligent signal processing and more. Various techniques are being used by the developers in reviewed. They are background subtraction method, CNAFCM, Kernal based fuzzy c means algorithm, Clustering and enhanced method, optimizing motion detection algorithm. In this paper, an FCM algorithm with SLIC algorithm is used. Clustering is done with the help of FCM algorithm. Because in this we compare the existed technique with the fcm algorithm. Then calculate the PSNR values of existed and proposed segmentation.

Keywords: Image Segmentation, Classification of segmentation, Moving objects, Motion Detection.